Sometimes you’ll find that drug medications function in many different ways in treating not only diseases but also to cater for the needs of athletes such as bodybuilders and those who take part in athletics. Yes, Tiromel T3 has many attractive features but the one that entices most is its ability in burning fat fast! Let’s have a look at what T3 does for Weightlifters and perhaps other areas of treatment.

The nature and efficacy of Tiromel T3

Tiromel T3 is, simply put, a thyroid hormone and as such contains synthetically produced liothyronine sodium that duplicates the naturally produced thyroid hormone triicodide-thyronine.

Two hormones are produced by the thyroid gland of a fit and healthy individual, the first, more common L-thyroxine and the second, the L-triiodine-thyronine or T3.

Tiromel is a synthetic replicate of the latter hormone or T3 referred to above but it is at variance with its equivalent in that the Tiromel T3 has much more zap than its natural alias even though they their functions are essentially the same and hence T3 is the stronger of the two hormones.

That said, it’s only right to say that Tiromel T3 is much more effective than its natural counterpart but still more surprising to know that it’s also more effective than its commercially available T4 rival.

These characteristics don’t go unnoticed by athletes such as bodybuilders who make it their business to know about hormones just as they know about steroids.

Weightlifters therefore readily take advantage of using Tiromel to stimulate their metabolism which causes the speedy conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy.

 To have boosted lipolysis means an escalation of fat burning and this is exactly what bodybuilders need and want.

When do weightlifters and athletes use Tiromel?

Weightlifters about to enter competition use Tiromel the several weeks prior to the championship lifts as it enables them to maintain very low fat content without incurring hunger pangs from dieting.

Athletes who prefer using doses of Tiromel in combination with steroids, the latter become more effective probably due to the more rapid conversion of protein and fats.

How to use Tiromel for getting best results

It’s important to keep the cycle as effective as possible by making them last no longer than 6 weeks or a little over a month.

It’s also essential that cycles shouldn’t be suddenly stopped working on the premise that stopping doses should be a gradual process of getting off your Tiromel doses

In the same way as your starting dose was gradually increased, so getting off your doses altogether should also be a gradual process. Ideally, you should reduce you doses by one tablet every 3-4 days.

One potential danger is taking Tiromel for too long at too high a dose which can cause a permanent thyroid deficiency.

If this were to happen, you’d probably end up being treated with another drug similar to Tiromel all your life. Hence, it would be a good idea to consult your doctor first and have your thyroid function tested.

An excessive activity on the part of T3 wouldn’t be good if more hormones were to be added.

Cautionary guidelines for using Tiromel properly.

What an athlete should guard against is the purchase of an injectable variance of the drug medication.

It should be realized that such a method is proper only in the emergency room due to the fact that it’s all too powerful to be used by an athlete.

Tiromel is touted to be the most powerful thyroid hormone which athletes are using and is therefore not appropriate to be used by beginner athletes.

It’s wise and safe to first become familiar with the weaker drug categories before you embark on a full scale use of Tiromel.

Somewhere in between is the idea that the T4 version of Tiromel shouldn’t be dismissed easily just because it’s known to be weaker than Tiromel.

Bodily fat burning the hallmark of Tiromel

It’s known that once a user is ready to use this hormone, its fat burning signature can be very impressive indeed.

The burning of bodily fat seems to be the hallmark of Tiromel as a drug medication which has maintained itself in the past as male and female bodybuilders jointly used Tiromel on a daily basis.

Their target was to maintain their “hard” physics all year round.  They needn’t worry too much about the efficacy of Tiromel as proven by the practice of some bodybuilders who appear on some bodybuilding magazines.

It has been proven that even these bodybuilders with their magnificent hard and defined physical builds actually consume non-nutritious fast food one minute but have them ‘burned’ off by Tiromel the next.

It’s clear that despite poor diet that may result in the accumulation of fat under normal circumstances, Tiromel makes fat disappear with a motion of the fingers to pop a Tiromel tablet into the mouth.

Of course nowadays, Clenbuterol has moved in to take the place of Tiromel but a newly found idea of combining Clenbuterol and Tiromel will definitely double the fat burning process.

Even the females are going for Tiromel!

Trending right now is the popularity shown by females for Tiromel. Even so women do have a far slower metabolism than men and therefore it’s very difficult for them to attain the right type of body form to compete.

Women can avail themselves to the less than 1000 calories per day standard not by dieting but by simply taking Tiromel.

Generally speaking women are more likely to suffer from side effects than men and a 50mcg dose would be ideal for their needs which of course would cause less side effects.

So Tiromel can effectively do away with obesity more efficiently than a woman or a man for that matter to go on a hunger diet.

As a woman you should be very careful that when you do take your dose, it should be the correct dose keeping in mind that Tiromel is a very potent drug medication.

A low dosage is wise choice to begin with

So in the light of the potency of Tiromel, the wisest move would be to begin your dose at a low dose and to increase it gradually and evenly over the course of several days before taking another tablet.

For women a greater dose that 100 mcg/day is just unnecessary and of course ill advised.

It’s definitely not recommended that the daily dose of three tablets should be taken at once but should be spread out evenly throughout the day so that it becomes more effective.

Women bodybuilders should also keep in mind that Tiromel shouldn’t be taken for more than six weeks and when the doses stop, total abstinence from the drug of two months should follow before beginning your dose again.

Make sure that your dose is reduced slowly and evenly by taking fewer tablets and not by abruptly ending your doses.


Doing the right thing in taking and stopping your dose is critically important if you are to maintain the effectiveness of your drug medication of Tiromel. If you are a bodybuilder you should know by now that the most effective feature of this drug medication is the burning of fat and the appearance of a hard and rippled body physique. It’s very important that the fat burning process can remain effectively active if you take your doses the right way whether you are beginning or ending your cycle.