When you know that a drug medication such as Clomiphene is safe to use and that it doesn’t result in troubling side effects, the next obvious stage is: How should bodybuilders use Clomid? Are you in the bodybuilding, weightlifting or athletic profession? If you are, there’s a wealth of information provided in this article on how to proceed next. Read on to find out more about this balancing drug medication.

First things first to start with

One question that usually gets tagged along with using Clomid for bodybuilding is when to start using it. The simple answer is that the ideal time for using Clomid is when you are taking steroids.

That said, it’s very important to note that you shouldn’t take it before or during your steroid course treatment but after you’ve completed your steroid treatment. You can then start to use Clomiphene.

As already mentioned, you recovery stage will depend greatly on the kind of steroids your been using. You would be wise to wait for the steroid substances to have used up half their potency and have stopped influencing your hormonal balance. 

The process normally takes between a week and 10 days to play out. When steroids stop impacting your hormonal balance, you should commence your treatment of Clomiphene.

The safest way to begin your Clomid treatment according to the experts is to start with the maximum safe dosage from which you will need to keep reducing your dosage intake. If you’ve been taking steroids over a long period of time, the longer will it take to stabilize your hormone level. 

A safe method for administering Clomid

The use of any drug medication such as Clomiphene usually involves a practical and safe method for using it. The doses are described below for your use:

  • Extra-heavy dose period – you should take 150 mg of the medication for 3 days, then 100 mg for 12 days, followed by 50 mg for 15 days, and finally 25 mg for an additional 15 days.
  • After heavy dose period – after completing the above period of treatment, you should apply this stage next. In this second stage, you need to take Clomid 100 mg for 15 days, followed by 50 mg for another 15 days and then the 25 mg dose for another 15 days.
  • Average dose – for this dose category you need to take 50 mg for a period of 30 days followed by a 25 mg dose taken over 15 days. After this you can opt to follow the light dose course that continues to a very light dose course.

It should be noted that the above dosages are only suggested doses and you should consult your doctor or pharmacist prior to starting a course on taking Clomid so that you are taking the treatment course correctly.

The mechanism of Clomid at work for bodybuilding

The basic task that Clomiphene does is in interfering with the action of estrogen on the hypothalamus. It’s perhaps useful here to explain what the hypothalamus is and its overall function

The hypothalamus plays a major role in the endocrine system. Essentially, it’s responsible for coordinating the internal balance of your body also known as homeostasis.

It performs its task by helping to stimulate or to impede many of the body’s key processes such as:

  • Sleep cycles
  • Body weight and appetite
  • Secretions of the stomach and intestine glands
  • Temperature of the body
  • Blood pressure and heart rate
  • Production of substances that stimulate the pituitary gland to release hormones
  • Fluid and electrolyte balance

Essentially, Clomid is used by athletes who use steroids so that it can get attached to estrogen receptors in the body and effectively block the effects of estrogen.

Additionally it can even restore the natural production of testosterone in the body and is also generally used as the recovery drug that normalizes the level of hormones in the body after being decreased and should be applied at the end of the steroid cycle.

Clomid may be regarded as a super steroid especially for those bodybuilders who are determined to win colossal bodybuilding rewards at the end of their steroid cycles.

Let’s also not forget that Clomid has won huge acclaim as a successful treatment for female infertility as well as a drug for increasing the amount of fluid during male ejaculation.

The relationship between Clomid and bodybuilding

The relationship shouldn’t be described as being direct or that there’s a one-to-one link between the drug Clomid and bodybuilding.  Nevertheless there is an indirect relationship between them.

Clomid also helps you lose bodyweight which greatly help in any bodybuilding endeavor you may wish to undertake. Some bodybuilders have even reported that they’ve remained active by using the drug treatment even after they engaged in very rigorous and strenuous workouts.

Any additional tasks you should do?

Following healthy habits such as enjoying a balanced diet and engaging in regular exercising workouts can be performed alongside taking Clomid for bodybuilding.

These extra regimen activities can help you achieve the best bodybuilding outcomes as well as fast bodybuilding results.

Another plus for all these activities combined is that bodybuilders will maintain the right levels of testosterone in their body, which means they  are sure to pose a very healthy body.

Taking Clomiphene is associated with many benefits and in order to further enhance your changes of achieving your bodybuilding goals you should talk to your doctor.

Your doctor will advise you about your intake, dosage and how to take your medication which will depend on your condition, medical history and your bodybuilding aspirations.

It can be safely said then that Clomid is undeniably a very effective drug that can prove very helpful to even a newbie at bodybuilding.

The most important part of using Clomid correctly and effectively is to remember to administer it at the end of your post cycle therapy.

By doing so you’ll be availing yourself to enjoy the best bodybuilding achievement you’ve ever attained. Even women bodybuilders reap considerable benefits from taking Clomiphene for their bodybuilding schedule.

Bottom Line

So it may be truly said that if your ambition tends towards possessing a strong, healthy and muscular body, it’s a safe bet to give Clomiphene a try due to its numerous benefits. You should nevertheless watch out for the side effects and interactions that may confront you for using the drug. Always remember to contact your doctor prior to commencing your treatment and finally, avoid being too dependent on any kind of drug for fear of possible severe side effects.