Everything about bodybuilding seem to have gone viral these days but it’s not only the actual weight lifting that’s attracting attention. It’s all the other aspects that are going on such as the lean muscle mass being amassed by the weight lifters, the anabolic steroids they use, the side effects these steroids create and the counter measures taken by bodybuilders and athletes to compromise their effects. Just read on.

Using Tamoxifen in bodybuilding.

If you’re wondering what the heck Tamoxifen is then just listen up and let us tell you that Tamoxifen is as drug medication that’s been used in bodybuilding for decades.

You’ll next want to know why it’s used in this sport and the answer also is just as simple.

The thing Is that when bodybuilders develop their lean bulging muscles they want them to grow lean and massive that they take anabolic steroids to boost their growth without gaining any extra weight.

This means that they really need the steroids to boost their muscles but there is a problem.

Taking too many anabolic steroids come with a nasty and really embarrassing problem which is, that the steroids produce a host of estrogens in the men’s bodies which are women hormones.

When the number of the female hormones reach a level where they exceed the male hormones, they begin to dominate the male hormones in a man’s body making it function more like a woman’s than a man’s body, causing something unusual and discomforting to develop.

The androgens begin to develop things that are characteristic to a woman’s body than to a man’s. For instance in this case, the men bodybuilders start to develop breasts or ‘boobs’ just like women do. Get it?

This development is given the scientific name of gynecomastia which means the enlargement of the breast gland in a man.

Tamoxifen (Nolvades) to the rescue!

When we say Tamoxifen, we don’t literally mean Tamoxifen on its own to the rescue as there are dozens of other drug medications out there that do exactly the same work as Tamoxifen does.

These include drug medication such as somatropin, cabergonie, clomid, cytotam, exemestae, letroxole just to name a few.

The point is that Tamoxifen is the focus of this article and so we’ll concentrate our attention on the role of Tamoxifen in the sport of bodybuilding. And yes, Tamoxifen also known as Nolvadex does offer an effective solution as a bodybuilding supplement.

Contest Cycle Steroid and Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)

It’s important to note before starting that when Tamoxifen and Nolvadex are mentioned, we are talking about the same drug medication with different names.

Nolvadex is classed as an anti-estrogen which has also been named a prodrug and is of the steroidal type of drug medication.

Although a steroid its action is similar to that of an antagonist to estrogen receptors and has the ability to completely stop estrogen from influencing tumors which are caused by the estrogen hormone.

A full description of Nolvadex was given in a press release of December 16 2011, which began with the assertion that Nolvadex is an anti-estrogen drug with an added title of a prodrug.

It acts as an antagonist of estrogen receptors with the ability of completely preventing the female hormone estrogen to influence tumors that are brought about by the same hormone.

The role of Temoxifen in bodybuilding

One of the highlights of Temoxifen is its ability to greatly enhance the amount of testosterone that the body produces and it does so by stimulating the LH production.

This ability has earmarked the drug as a great drug selection for post cycle therapy or PCT. Even though the drug as clear benefits in relation to estrogen accumulation in the body, it’s important to note that it may cause negative effects on progesterone related steroids.

It has therefore been recommended that bodybuilders refrain from using Tamoxifen in combination with steroids such as Deca and Trenbolone.

The role of Nolvadex against estrogen receptors

By binding itself to estrogen receptors Novaldex can effectively block the effects of estrogen and for this very reason has been indicated as an appropriate treatment of some types of breast cancer in women.

In the main, these women have undergone ductal carcinoma and are prone or have a very high risk of getting breast cancer.

Nolvadex seem to have exceled itself in this type of cancer treatment, that it’s currently being studied for treating other types of breast cancer along with its other identity of Tamoxifen Citrate.

It’s interesting to note that Nolvadex does not have any direct effects on anabolic tissue growth or androgenic hair loss.

Its entire effects focus primarily on blocking estrogen receptors for carrying out their binding purposes at which it’s enormously successful.

Nolvadex is known to effectively block estrogen receptors in the body. What happens is that when it blocks estrogen receptors on the hypothalamus, the brain immediately senses that is in need of more estrogen sex hormones and therefore production is needed.

The result is a huge surge in the amount of Gonadotropins (LH and FSH) which in turn boost the production of estrogen sex hormones needed.

The drug Nolvadex has also been known to also increase the production of testosterone. The surge in testosterone levels are the results of the anabolic and androgenic effects of Nolvadex.

When do bodybuilders start using Nolvadex?

The use of Nolvadex by most bodybuilders usually takes place after they come off their anabolic steroid, which is to say when they stop taking steroids during their steroid cycle of bodybuilding.

The thing is that anabolic steroids tend to limit the production of testosterone and to counter this, Nolvadex is usually added during the washing out phase.

There are some builders who prefer to use Nolvadex during the PST phase but others prefer Arimidex even though the effects of the two drugs are the same.

Which drug medication is best for PCT?

It should be noted that Tamoxifen isn’t the most potent ancillary compound for a cycle, but it may be the safest

It doesn’t completely reduce estrogen in the body but keeps some circulating to help additional muscle growth after the end of the steroid cycle.

It should be remembered that the application of Tamoxifen can also improve your lipid profile (HDL and LDL) and hence the reason why many bodybuilders use this drug during their cycle together with its health benefits.

Another point for Nolvadex is that it’s enormously efficient in eliminating most of the estrogen in your body and has won favor with most prep cycle bodybuilders for keeping healthy for a few weeks and then to switch to say medication Letrozole for the remaining part of the PCT.

Bottom line There’s always an expression of doubt whenever drug medications are compared with each other to determine which is the best one for bodybuilding and for what reasons. Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is no exception and it goes without saying that this drug medication has attracted the inevitable pros and cons from users as well as viewers as to what it can and cannot do. One thing shines out though that Tamoxifen might just be the best for PCT.