It’s quite possible that athletes and bodybuilders along with people suffering from breathing difficulties may really be the only people who have some idea about what clenbuterol is, how it functions and the benefits and disadvantages it has. If this is the case, then writing up this article should provide pertinent and useful information about this wonder truck for the benefit of those who know very little about it. Read on to know and understand Clen!

What is Clenbuterol?

Simply put, clenbuterol is a very powerful stimulant that can boost your metabolic rate and fat burning.

It possesses the two nicknames “clen” and “bute”, and can be sold under different names such as Ventipulmin, Spiropent, and Dialaterol.

The story on clenbuterol started in 1970 when it was first developed as a bronchodilator for the treatment of horses and other animals with respiratory problems.

When used in this capacity, clenbuterol relaxes the muscles around the air passages making breathing easier for the user.

It has also been used as a nasal decongestant as well as a treatment for asthma in humans and is till used in some countries for respiratory medication

What are its forms?

Clenbuterol is used in three main forms:

  • Pills
  • Injectable liquid
  • Drinkable liquid

Despite lack of approval by the FDA for its use in humans, the popularity of the medication especially the pill form has skyrocketed with bodybuilders for gaining lean muscle mass, and athletes who want to boost performance.

Its work dynamics

Clenbuterol works by bindingitself to receptors that reacts to epinephrine in your body but the difference is that clenbuterol causes a greater effect that also includes the burning of body fat.

It also bindsitself to muscle cells and stimulates the process of muscle protein synthesisthereby helping to preservemuscle while cutting fat.

The reason behind taking clenbuterol

 There are two main reasons why people take this drug medication. The first is to boost athletic performance on the athletic track or field and the second is for rapid fat loss and keep muscles intact.

According to studies, there are reasons to believe that clenbuterol may not be as effective as first thought for boosting athletic performance. However there’re no doubts that it does boost fat loss.

Research studies on both humans and animals confirm that clenbuterol does in fact promote metabolic rate and also.

Studies also show that despite not being a steroid, clenbuterol can and actually promote muscle protein synthesis which does help you in retaining lean muscle mass even while you’re on a diet.

These are some of the reasons why clenbuterol is intensely popular among bodybuilders today.

Some have even voiced claims that the drug’s anabolic effects are sufficiently powerful to enhance muscle building. This however is quite unlikely given proven scientific and anecdotal facts.

The power of Clenbuterol in cutting fat

There is widespread claim by users that clenbuterol actually boostsbasal metabolic rate(BMR) by as much as 10% which has either been supported or refuted.

However it can be said that the claim is a reasonable one to make based on decades of anecdotal evidence that exists.

Clenbuterol side effects

Drug medications are seldom all about good news without the bad news so we now turn focus to the side effects of this drug medication. The important point to ponder is that bodybuilders don’t pay much attention to the side effects.

This may be that they are not really worried about them as they continue to gain their lead muscle mass or that they are thinking so intently on achieving their goals they have no time to consider other aspects.

Whatever the reason, it’s still necessary to talk about the side effects of clenbuterol for everyone reading to know and understand the issues involved.

Here is a list of potential side effects that clenbuterol can cause:

  • Chest pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Nervousness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Drowsiness
  • Insomnia
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased sweating
  • Facial flushing
  • Heartburn
  • Headache

Not everyone has the same kind of sensitivity issues to clenbuterol as others have, however it’s very likely that at least some people are likely to experience some of these side effects when they use the drug.

Good or bad for your heart?

This is a question that’s very often raised by many people who want to know whether or not clenbuterol is bad for your heart. The answer here is Yes, it can adversely affect your heart.

The first thing to note about this medication is that it’s a powerful stimulant that can raise your blood pressure and keep it aloft for long periods.

What happens next is that your risk of getting LVH (left ventricular hypertrophy) is increased.LVH is a condition that involves the thickening of the wall of the left pumping chamber of the heart (ventricle).

This hardening of the left ventricle constitutes a major risk factor for developing heart disease which is also associated with an increased risk of sudden death

Faced with these possibilities, there’s very little evidence to tell us about how much clenbuterol will take to get us to the end of these risk levels. We just don’t have the evidence.

We do however have the evidence that clenbuterol does in fact kill heart cells which of course can lead to a greater risk of getting heart disease.

However, these cases involved people who took very large doses of the medication which even bodybuilders admit are way above what they themselves would recommend.

We may well ask whether lower doses may damage the heart physically but the answer just isn’t available.

Does clenbuterol affect your sleep?

Another thing to know about clenbuterol aside from being a powerful stimulant that can boost your metabolic rate, it can also stay far longer than mild drugs like caffeine and ephedrine can.

According to specific research clen can stay in your bloodstream from to 1 hour to 3 hours which means it can interfere with sleep.

Some people can clear away the effects of stimulants far quicker than others can. Those who can take clen early in the morning and they can sleep peacefully at night.

We all know that as things are, most of us don’t get enough sleep and taking clenbuterol in the middle would only worsen our sleeping woes. It’s a poor decision to make knowing it can adversely affect our health and fitness.

Bottom line

As one of the most popular drug medications used by athletes and bodybuilders worldwide, it’s surprising that anyone should be concerned about the side effects of Clenbuterol. Even though this drug does cause side effects, there has never been a serious case reported that should raise worry or concern for using the drug. The truth is that drug medications such as clenbuterol do cause side effects but as to who gets them depends on the physical condition of the user.