Clenbuterol has a very interesting history like some of the other drug medications but even more so because it didn’t end up just as a drug medication it was meant to be but skyrocketed to the pinnacle of fame (in so far as drugs go) when it became one of the most effective, beneficial and popular drug medications ever. Its popularity was sealed by athletes and bodybuilders who ignored its bad sides and focused on achieving perfect performance and physique.

Essential information on Clen

Clenbuterol is a compound that belongs to the class of drugs known as Beta2-Agonists. All these drugs are capable of causing the dilation or expansion of the bronchial muscles making them smooth and wide to allow easier passage of air.

In most cases, the beta2-agonists can also be useful for the treatment of asthma.

In addition of being an effective treatment for asthma, clenbuterol has also gained colossal recognition as a perfect supplement for weight loss due to its impact on fat reduction and promotion of muscle growth.

How Clen is used

It’s well-known that the FDA has not given its approval for drug medication clenbuterol for its use in humans. However it has approved the use of its liquid form for clearing obstruction of air passage in horses.

Outside of the United States, clenbuterol can only be accessed as a prescription only treatment for asthma and is also often prescribed for the treatment of COPD

Clen is definitely not a steroid even though its properties are similar to those of anabolic steroids such as for instance its ability in stimulating a boost to muscle mass.

Due to these unique features, clenbuterol is extensively used by vets as the ideal medication for livestock to increase lean muscle for the table.

The drug can still be found in butchered livestock and has led to illnesses particularly in Asian and European countries.

To prevent the situation from worsening, Europe and the US have begun to monitor minute tissue samples from livestock so as to detect the presence of clenbuterol.

In addition the drug has also been identified as added ingredients to heroin in street drugs.

Some clenbuterol related side effects

It’s known that when used excessively or abused, clenbuterol may result in negative effects. Some of these effects may include:

  • electrolyte imbalance
  • anxiety
  • heart palpitations
  • tremors
  • rapid breathing
  • chest pain
  • increased heart rate
  • cardiac hypertrophy (enlargement of heart ventricles or severe heart damage)
  • irregular heart rhythms
  • muscle tremors
  • increased sweating
  • insomnia,
  • high blood pressure
  • headache,
  • nausea
  • vomiting

Doses and application

Doses for clenbuterol are different for specific conditions as follows:

When someone suffers from asthma, the recommended dose that’s administered for treatment should be between 0.02 to 0.03 mils daily. Treatment usually takes the form of an inhaler and tablet for treating the asthma condition.

Most bronchodilators are also used for treating asthma, and this too should be used according to the recommended dose as opposed to the daily dose recommended for clenbuterol.

When used for boosting performance or for shedding weight (weight loss), clenbuterol can be used in the form of an injection, liquid or tablet.

The doses of clenbuterol used for the above purposes should be given in doses of 0.06 to 0.12 mils, daily, which is more than the dose given for treating asthma.

Benefits explained in detail

Performance and weight loss – there’s no doubt that clenbuterol does help to reduce body fat and also increase muscle mass. It can remain in the human body for up to 6 days after being ingested.

 It’s for this reason that clenbuterol is often utilized for strengthening athletic performance or used for promoting weight loss in the form of supplements.

When athletes take this drug so as to boost their track or field performances or to achieve weight loss, they usually take it in combination with growth hormones or anabolic steroids as well.

Breathing – what is meant hear is the use of clenbuterol to make breathing easier especially when the patient is suffering from asthma.

This condition is treated by improving the obstruction that’s causing difficulty in breathing.

Clenbuterol widens and relaxes blood vessels which rapidly increase the surge of blood entering the bloodstream thereby boosting the amount of oxygen present in the blood.

Clenbuterol also increases the ability of your body in using the increased supply of oxygen as energy for fueling physical activity.

There are some countries that use clenbuterol as a decongestant and bronchodilator and is also often used to treat breathing problems in horses.

Fat burning – clenbuterol has proven its efficacy in reducing fat mass when compared to other types of fat burners and is also effective in promoting higher metabolic energy. Clenbuterol can also increase blood pressure and the heart rate which in turn boosts the temperature of your body as well as metabolic activity that ultimately burns most of the carbohydrates that are stored in the body as more fat. It’s known that in most cases this drug is used illegally especially by athletes as a drug for shedding fat at the time of cutting cycles,.

Muscle growth and healing – clenbuterol is known to have boost the ability of patients to recover following their surgical operations because it can rapidly rehabilitate the muscles of the body. It’s also able to promote muscle growth by decreasing muscle loss and boost the production of protein.

Muscle degrading conditions– patients suffering from muscle degrading conditions provides the opportunity for clenbuterol to work wonders in treating them.

Clenbuterol mitigates the worsening status of the condition and also improves mobility of those affected.

Research has shown that clenbuterol actually helps to maintain unused muscles due to the onslaught of disease or occurrence of injury.

In addition to these actions, clenbuterol can also be useful in patients suffering from nerve damage which has resulted from the degradation of muscles.

It can also heal muscle degradation that has resulted from burns that have affected body tissue.

Stimulant – athletes commonly use clenbuterol as an enhancer of energy. The main reason for this is that the drug works in the body the same way that adrenalin does.

Clenbuterol is viewed by the majority of sporting authorities as a performance enhancer in the form of a stimulant.

As a stimulant it can increase energy on a temporary basis, it can help focus attention and alertness and as such can transform workouts into stimulating and more pleasurable undertakings.

Those taking it will experience a surge in motivation, suppressed appetite, aggression, and competitiveness during workout sessions.

Urinary urgency – clenbuterol can also work wonders for women by improving their symptoms that make them suffer from urinary urgency.

Complications during labor – because of the excellent muscle relaxing properties of clenbuterol, it’s used mainly for livestock to prevent complications during labor spasms.

However a similar approach for humans was not undertaken due to various risks that the drug carries.

The use of clenbuterol helped to correct complications of birth in cattle which did away with the need for using anesthetics.

However as in humans, clenbuterol can also result in adverse side effects such as congenital disabilities, heart palpitations and bleeding.

Bottom line It’s true that a thorough knowledge and understanding of drug medications such as clenbuterol can facilitate your aspirations in athletic performance and also in bodybuilding, but the detailed knowledge of the benefits that can accrue for the use of clenbuterol whether in the treatment of animals in labor or in their breathing problems and the enhancement of humans endeavor in their sporting ventures is real wealth that should be treasured.