In everything that we do, we always strive to be the best for our own satisfaction and for impressing others with our achievements. Athletes (men and women) represent one of the best examples of this ‘dare’ outlook for which they will go to any lengths to nurture and develop in order to become the best athletes ever in their chosen field. Now you get some idea of: Why is clenbuterol so popular with athletes? Read on to find out more.

So what is clenbuterol?

For starters, the drug is popularly called “clen” and is highly regarded as a performance boosting drug. Because of its known potency and consequential side effects, the drug has been banned in many athletic competitions.

It’s branded as a prohibited drug by two organizations, the World Anti-Doping Agency and the International Olympic Committee.

The amazing thing is that even though clen is banned, athletes have continued to use it due to its ability to build muscles, improve athletic achievement and more importantly, burns fat.

Information on specific aspects of clenbuterol

You’ve probably heard that clen is a selective beta-2 agonist/antagonist and bronchodilator, terms which are difficult to understand.

They simply mean that clenbuterol has the ability to relax the tissues of your muscles especially the air passages in your body to make breathing easier.

The only people who are allowed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to use clen are veterinarians who treat horses with obstructive pulmonary disease or other lung illnesses.

An equivalent “human” treatment akin to clenbuterol is albuterol which is used only under prescription for the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and other lung conditions as well as wheezing caused by breathing restrictions that occur mainly when exercising is used.

For general information, albuterol for human use has many different brand names that include Accuneb, Proventil and Ventolin plus others. Albuterol can be provided in generic or brand name form by using an inhaler which is breathed through the mouth for easy access to airways.

Many amusing excuses have been made to foil charges of deliberately taking clenbuterol to boost performance by athletes. However the main reason why athletes use clen is to burn fat, muscle building and improve sporting prowess.

Side effects and risks

No tangible evidence exists to prove that athletes who take the drug over a long stretch of time have indeed suffered from clen’s side effects.

It’s nevertheless clear that clenbuterol actually affects the airway muscles and is also absorbed by other body tissues.

Studies of animals have indicated that clenbuterol may lead to a condition called apoptosis, which involves the death of normal cells.

This has been found to have occurred in muscles, including muscles of the heart. In view of this, veterinarian have been warned no to apply the drug medications to horses with cardiac problems.

It’s also alleged that clenbuterol may lead to heart attacks, heart damage and even sporadic heart beats. Other side effects include muscle tremors, rise in perspiration, increased in high pressure, vomiting, nausea, insomnia and headache.

It has been claimed that athletes who depend on a banned drug to enhance their performance face the risk of cheating and they may also be impacting their own health. Nevertheless, aside from these claims against clenbuterol there are plenty of benefits that clen can offer.

Clen offers wide ranging benefits

Despite the alarming claims that have been leveled against clenbuterol, it has been mentioned earlier that athletes have continued to use the drug for obvious benefits to them and their goals. These benefits include:

  • Proven weight loss and enhancement of performance – It’s known that clen has been used for the reduction of increase in muscle mass. Clenbuterol has also been known to remain in the body for a maximum of 6 days after being swallowed into the body. This feature is ideal for enhancing athletic performance and/or weight loss over a long period of time. 
  • Fat burning – when compared with other fat burners available on the market, clen has proved to be the best fat reducer of them all. It has also been responsible for producing greater metabolic energy. It’s true that clen increases blood pressure and heartbeat. However, at the same time clen also increases body temperature and metabolic activity which ultimately results in the burning of more fat and stored carbohydrates.
  • Breathing – clen helps improve breathing through its treatment of asthma and improving obstructed breathing. It actually expands and relaxes blood vessels which results in an enormous increase of oxygen flowing with a more copious blood flow.
  • Muscle-degrading condition – clen prevents muscle-degrading conditions to worsen and also boosts mobility. Studies show that clen maintains muscles while out of action due to injury or disease. It can also help people suffering from nerve damage that causes muscle degradation and can also rehabilitate degraded muscle tissues due to burning.
  • Body stimulant – clenbuterol is used widely by athletes for boosting their energy levels because the drug’s action on the body is similar to that of adrenaline. Most sporting entities say that as a stimulant, the drug does in fact enhance performance and has a temporary effect in increasing energy, focus and alertness. Users feel motivated, suppressed appetite, proactive fervor and competitiveness during physical workouts.
  • Urinating issues – clen has also improved symptoms in women who suffer from wanting to urinate more often than normal.
  • Muscle growth – Following surgery, clenbuterol helps patients recover quicker due to its ability to hasten the recovery of patients through its ability in normalizing muscle strength. It does this even while it prevents muscle loss and boosts protein production which of course is muscle material.


Any drug medication has to really prove itself before it can be accepted by anyone including and especially athletes who are highly sensitive of their physical wellbeing. Clenbuterol has done just that and of course those who use it also know of their side effects and the risks that might pose to their physical health and general wellbeing. Athletes feel that the pros outweigh the cons in terms of using the drug and achieving their goals.