The title of this article indicates just how detailed the study of Clenbuterol will be from start to finish and we hope that at the end of the story you’ll have a clearer, more complete grasp and understanding of what this drug medication is all about. From humble beginnings its popularity ballooned into one of the most popular drug medications ever to appear on the market and it continues to this day. Don’t miss out on this voyage of discovery.

What is this drug medication?

Also popularly known as Clen, this steroid-like drug medication is a decongestant bronchodilator that belongs to the Beta-2 agonist category.

It can cause your bronchial muscles to expand and become flat and smooth opening up air passage and make breathing easier.

The main purpose for taking the medication is to stop asthma attacks from occurring.

How clen assists weight loss

As a thermogenic stimulant, clenbuterol can increase the body’s metabolic rate (BMR) and you can make you lose weight.

The efficacy of clenbuterol in reducing fat was successfully carried out on horses and mice and long-term use has likewise been confirmed an increase in muscle components and lipid metabolizing enzymes that cause lipolysis (breakdown of fat).

It can be safely said that clen is able to promote bodily muscle growth, increase metabolism and helps in reducing weight. It’s only fair to remind people wanting to the take the drug for weight loss to consult a doctor before doing so.

Clenbuterol dose for losing weight

The usual dose taken for weight loss is similar to that taken for bronchial asthma which is 1.12-1.3 mg taken twice every day.

Sometimes users including bodybuilders and athlete as well as others use clenbuterol in “cutting cycles.” There is a danger however in using the drug on a continuing basis as the body can build up a tolerance to it making the beta-2 receptors less sensitive and render it ineffective.

To guard against this, clen is usually used in the following cycles:

  • 2 weeks on – 2 weeks off
  • 2 days on – 2 days off

Many have wondered how much weight can be lost with the aid of clenbuterol so let’s have a look.

How much weight can be lost?

When using clenbuterol for losing weight, the approach used as well as lifestyle changes that users make in their daily lives can be determining factors.

Reports say that when you follow the above dosage, eat a healthy diet, do exercises interspersed with adequate rest will normally show results of 3-4 pounds weight loss each week.

Even so no clear recommendation has been given for using clenbuterol for reducing weight because it can result in dangerous side effects. You will come to know some of them below.

Side effects of clenbuterol

  • a report has been issued following a case study on the side effects that may ensue after the ingestion of 20 𝜇g of clenbuterol (the lowest dose of clenbuterol below toxicity level) that shows the occurrence of rapid heartbeat (tachycardia, electrolyte imbalance, vomiting, anxiety, nausea, and increase in high blood pressure.
  • It often happens that while you are on clenbuterol, you usually visualize yourself as being always fit and active and you soon become addicted to the drug. When you stop taking the drug, it’s possible that you may go through a stage of withdrawal and stress symptoms.
  • The taurine and potassium supply in your body may decrease when you take clenbuterol and this can cause cramping of your muscles.
  • Taking clenbuterol may also result in headaches, a huge appetite and shaking of the hands.

The best about clenbuterol

The best quality for clenbuterol is its ability to retain lean muscle mass when compared with other weight loss pills and dieting which fail to do this. The case for clenbuterol is in fact very different.

Because it’s a catabolic, one features of clenbuterol is its ability to break down fat, but it’s also anabolic, which means it can prevent the loss of muscle and instead, promotes the skeletal mass growth.

One of the evident results of taking clenbuterol is that as you build muscle and skeletal mass, your weight may not change significantly, but you will view a leaner and toned down body. Why?

The reason is that muscle is much denser than fat, so muscle that weighs 1pound will look much trimmer than fat that weighs the same. This is the very reason why clenbuterol is so much more popular with bodybuilders.

Is clenbuterol ideal for losing weight?

If you want to lose weight because you know you’re 10-15 lbs. overweight, you’ll likely need the help of a professional medical practitioner to give you guidance.

Clenbuterol will work best for you when you know you are in very good shape but you want to improve on it.

However, if you are obese and you wish to slim down a bit (or a lot) then clenbuterol is not your treatment.

At all times a venture that seeks to reduce weight should be done under the watchful supervision of an medical professional with plenty of experience who will recommend the types of nutrition, workouts and supplements.

Even after getting rid of a fair amount of fat from your body, you should persist in taking more clenbuterol to rid yourself of any remaining fat and then go on to build your dream, of a pulsating and ‘chiseled’ muscle mass appearance.

How safe is clenbuterol for losing weight?

Here again you will need the help of your doctor before you actually start using clenbuterol for weight loss. Just be sure to remember that like all other drugs clenbuterol may not be so safe if you overuse or abuse it.

However, if your doctor finds it appropriate that you shouldn’t use clenbuterol, then just don’t use it. If you are suffering from any heart disease you should avoid it, and likewise if you suffer from hypertension or anxiety.

You can reap lots of benefits from taking clenbuterol if you heed the guidance of a professional practitioner.

The benefits of Clenbuterol for losing weight

  • The main benefit of clenbuterol lies in its ability to boost muscle mass and lean fat mass. It can also increase skeletal muscle growth but at the same time decreases the duration of your workouts and endurance capability.
  • When administered to heart-operated rats, alone or in combination with mechanical unloading, clenbuterol actually improved heart function.
  • Because clenbuterol is usually taken with vitamins and other energy boosting supplements, the need for sticking to a strict diet schedule is reduced. Food is undoubtedly very important even when you are dieting and doing strenuous workouts. Do yourself a favor and enjoy a hearty meal every so often.

Bottom line We always enjoy providing you with the latest updated information about drug medication simply because it has become one of the exciting trends of our time. Knowing something about clenbuterol is a benefit in itself but knowing all the benefits and other very useful aspects and special features of this  drug medication is a not only a benefit but also a blessing that will help you in your bodybuilding aspirations.