If you are capable of grasping and understanding a great deal about drug medications you might as well continue along that path and learn more about the detailed facts about the same subject, especially a drug treatment such as Tiromel. There’s every possibility that you might come across it one day and if you need to use it, the best way to prepare is to know the nitty-gritty details about it. Just read on enjoy and learn more.

Before driving it, know how it works

If you buy a new car you just don’t open the door and drive away would you? Of course you wouldn’t you would study it first see how it looks, perhaps get behind the wheel, turn it, feel the seats under you and so on and so forth.

You might have a look at the manual and read some details about the technical aspects and then of course you might go for a test ride. It’s exactly the same with drug medication Tiromel.

You read the prescription label first, the nature of the medicine, what it contains, form, ingredients, active ingredient, doses side effects, interactions, indications, contraindications and etc.

After that you’d definitely want to know, how the heck does it work? But to do that you need to ingest it not drive it!

These are all important steps before you actually pop one of the tablets into your mouth and feel the effects of how it really works and then you go on and learn the other facts about this drug treatment so you can use it, drive it as it were.

Fact # 1: Making Tiromel into what it is

This drug medication is a thyroid hormone drug which was manufactured by the Abdi Ibrahim Company of Turkey.

The company is operated strictly according to quality control guidelines to ensure that the final product is safe, secure and effective.

If it wanted to it could effectively compete with other European counterpart companies as one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the Union.

Fact #2: Thyroid Hormone Medication

As a synthetically produced thyroid hormone, Tiromel contains liothyronine sodium which is used as a replacement for the treatment of thyroid hormone deficiency.

This thyroid hormone drug treatment can be used to treat hypothyroidism by replacing the T3 synthetic hormone so as to increase the levels of T4.

Fact #3: Very Popular Among Bodybuilders

It’s really amazing how bodybuilders go for this drug and use it in their cyclic lifting routines.

Both amateur and professional bodybuilders take Tiromel in order to stimulate their metabolism.

They also take it so they can maintain a lower body fat ratio

Fact #4: It Stimulates Your Metabolism

It’s a known fact that Timorel is a stimulant that can help you combat symptoms such as weight gain as a result of hypothyroidism.

It also increases the rate at which your body converts fat, protein and carbohydrates into nutrients and therefore energy for your body.

Medical experts recommend its use for treating patients suffering from hypothyroid symptoms such as weight gain.

Using Tiromel may help in solving the problem of weight loss due to the ability of the medication to burn your body fat rapidly.

Fact # 5:  A replacement for T3 Hormones

Because this drug treatment is a thyroid medication, it has been synthetically manufactured to increase the levels of T4 through the use of naturally occurring T3.

What Tiromel actually does is it ties itself with the thyroid receptors to over stimulate the thyroid gland and coax it into action.

This action may lead to a significant increase in energy output and the burning of a large amount of body fat.

Fact # 6: Consumed Orally

This drug is best used when consumed orally with a normal dose for taking Tiromel set at 25mg, especially as a starting dose but with a maximum dose of 100mg.

Fact # 7: Buying Tiromel

This medication can be purchased at numerous online pharmacies as well as your local pharmacy.

There are companies that sell the generic form of the drug treatment however, some of them may need a boost to a higher level of dosage when compared to the higher potency of Tiromel that’s manufactured by the Abdi Ibrahim Company.

More facts about Tiromel and Thyroid Hormones

  1. There are three types of Thyroid Hormones

It’s worthwhile to understand more about Tiromel and to do this you’d need to know the types of thyroid hormones. There are three main types:

  • Triiodothyronine or T3
  • Tetraiodothyronine (levothyroxine) or T4
  • Calcitonin

Considering the three, the first two are the two proper hormones of the thyroid which occur naturally in the body producing hormones.

The last thyroid hormone Calcitonin is involved in the process of bone formation and the absorption of calcium.

The T3 and T4 are hormones that are involved in regulating vital organs and metabolism. They are secreted from the thyroid glands which are located in the neck area.

What is specifically important about thyroid hormones is that the body has to produce the thyroid hormones at the levels which the body needs for the following reasons:

  • If there’s a deficiency in the levels of thyroid, a condition called hypothyroidism occurs. Some of the symptoms that usually appear may include:
    • muscle weakness
    • difficulty in losing weight
    • hair loss
  • if these symptoms have already reached critical levels, it may be that you already have hypothyroidism which means that you may already be prone to symptoms such as muscle twitching or tremors, rapid heartbeat and excessive sweating.
  • You should note however that even if your thyroid hormone levels fluctuate it doesn’t mean that they are the cause of thyroid cancer. However, a study suggests that there is a connection between cancer and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, autoimmune disease which does cause hypothyroidism.
  • The Thyroid hormone/Negative feedback loop

The second concept is a biological reaction that leads to a decline in functionality. This usually happens when the ideal levels of thyroid hormones is reached and processes take place that ultimately prevents you from getting hypothyroidism.

  • The difference between T4 and T3

The difference explains why different treatments are given for treating thyroid diseases. Thyroid glands produce both T4 and T3 with T3 being more active. T4 stimulates the production of T3 for addressing hypothyroidism.

Tiromel has T3 or liothyronine sodium as its active ingredient, but which should you take? This depends on your test results (thyroid panel).

  • Effective in less than 3 hours

Normally it takes some time before you feel the effects of your thyroid hormone treatment (2 weeks or more).

But changes are already taking place that can result in maximum thyroid concentrations in about 2.5 hours following a single dose.

Also, your body starts to suppress the TSH production within two hours. So in actual fact, Tiromel starts to take effect within about 2 hours of being taken even though the full impact is experienced over two weeks or more.

  • Tiromel is a synthetic thyroid hormone

When treating thyroid the main question that arises is whether to use a natural or synthetic hormone as treatment.

Most doctors will prescribe synthetic thyroid hormone due to ease of adjusting the dose despite the risk of side effects and the unknown dangers that intaking synthetic thyroid can cause.

A study has even suggested that weight loss is faster when natural instead of synthetic thyroid treatment is used. But dosing may be challenging with natural thyroid hormone treatments and in the meantime, there’s always the danger of hormonal imbalancethat can harm the body.

  • Tiromel in combination with Clenbuterol

Building body mass usually means the taking of anabolic steroids by bodybuilders of which there is an abundance but some opt to use drug clenbuterol which has similar properties as steroids.

Some even go as far as consuming Tiromel with Clenbuterol to intensify the body fat burning process and according to experience the experiment does work. By itself, Tiromel is an excellent body fat incinerator and metabolism booster, but with Clenbuterol both processes are intensified even more.


Considerable leverage can be gained by pooling together all the known facts about a drug medication such as Tiromel. It is definitely on the rise as a very popular drug treatment for producing thyroid hormones whenever the body experiences a deficiency in hormones. This rising popularity may be due to the plethora of facts that suggests an equally impressive range of treatments that Tiromel is involved in as a synthetic thyroid hormone treatment. We sincerely hope you’ve benefited from your reading.